

同居伴侣担保人开放式工签家庭团聚类移民配偶家庭团聚移民配偶在加拿大工作担保family sponsorshipCOVID-19common-law移民家庭担保






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  • You must provide certified translations in either English or French for all documents that are not already in Engli sh or French - 对于所有非英文或法文书写的文件,你必须提供经核证(公证)的英文或法文翻译件。
  • You must also check the country specific requirements (https://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/spouse.asp#country) to confirm whether there are special instructions or guidance for documents: - 你也必须检查是否包括特定国家所的具体要求 (https://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/spouse.asp#country) ,已确认是否有特殊指导或指南文件:
    • based on your country of residence, and/or - 基于你所居住的国家,及/或
    • issued by a specific country. - 所签发国家

The document(s) you submit must satisfy the instructions provided to avoid delays in processing. - 你所提交的文件必须满足指南所提供要求,以避免处理过程中出现耽搁。



▢  1. Status in Canada - 在加拿大的身份

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Please check the box which describes your (the sponsor's) status in Canada and provide the relevant documentation: - 请勾选自己(担保人)在加拿大的身份,并提供相关文件:

  • ▢ I am a Permanent Resident of Canada: Submit a photocopy of your Permanent Resident Card (both sides). Note: If your card is expired, you can submit a copy of your expired card.- 我是加拿大永久居民:提交永久居民卡的复印件(双面)- 注意:如果你的永久居民卡已过期,可以提交过期卡的副本。
  • ▢ I am a Canadian Citizen: Submit a photocopy of ONE of the following four (4) items:- 我是加拿大公民:提交下列四种文件之一的复印件:
    • ▢ Canadian Citizenship certificate or card (both sides).- 加拿大公民证书(双面)
    • ▢ Canadian Citizenship card without photo issued before February 15, 1977. - 加拿大公民卡(无照片,签发于1977年2月15日之前)
    • ▢ Canadian birth certificate (for Quebec, only a birth certificate issued by the Directeur de l'état civil du Québec is accepted).- 加拿大出生证明(对于魁北克省,仅接受由Directeur de l'état civil du Québec签发的出生证明)
    • ▢ Canadian passport (page showing passport number, date of issue and expiration, photo, name, surname, place and date of birth of holder.- 加拿大护照(含有护照编号、签发日期、过期日期、照片、姓名、出生地的页面)
  •  ▢ I am an Indian: Submit a copy of your Indian status card (formally known as a Certificate of Indian Status) to show that you are registered in Canada as an Indian under the Indian Act. If you are also a Canadian citizen, you can choose to either provide your Indian status card, or one of the four documents listed above for proof of Canadian citizenship. You do not need to submit both.- 我是印第安人:提交印第安人身份卡(正是称呼为印第安人身份证书),以证明自己是根据《印第安人法案》在加拿大注册的印第安人。如果你也是加拿大公民,也可选择提供印第安人身份卡,或上述列出的四种加拿大公民身份证明文件之一。不必两种都提交。


▢  2. Are you (the sponsor) a Canadian citizen living outside Canada?  -  ▢ No       ▢ Yes

If you (the sponsor) answered yes, provide proof that you will live in Canada with your spouse (and, if applicable, their dependent children) once he/she/they become(s) (a) permanent resident(s) of Canada.
如果你(担保人)回答了yes,请提供 你将与配偶(以及,如果适用,其受抚养子女)在加拿大境内居住(一旦其成为加拿大永久居民之后)的证明

▢  3. Do you (the sponsor) and the person you are sponsoring have (a) child(ren) together who may have a claim to Canadian citizenship? -  ▢ No       ▢ Yes

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If you (the sponsor) are a Canadian Citizen who is sponsoring your spouse, and you both have a child together, your child may be a Canadian citizen, even if the child was born outside Canada. A Canadian citizen is not eligible to be sponsored and cannot be issued a visa.

The official way to confirm whether your child born outside Canada is a Canadian citizen is to apply for a proof of citizenship (https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/application/application-forms-guides/application-citizenship-certificate-adultsminors.html). If it is confirmed that your child is a Canadian citizen, they are eligible for a Canadian passport.

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  • ▢ If you answered “Yes” to the question above: Please include a copy of one of the following for each child with your application: Canadian birth certificate showing the names of both parents; Canadian passport (biodata page only), citizenship certificate (i.e. proof of citizenship), or proof of application for a proof of citizenship. This will help IRCC confirm that your child does not require immigrant processing. - 如果你在上述问题中回答了“yes”:请在申请中提供每位子女的下列文件之一:加拿大出生证明(显示父母双方的名字);加拿大护照(仅限生物数据页面),加拿大公民证书(例如,公民身份证明),或申请公民身份证明的证明。这些文件将有助于IRCC确认你的子女不需要移民处理。

    Note: Your application will not be returned to you if you do not submit this. - 注意:如果你不提交这些,你的申请将不会被退回。


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▢  4. Previous Relationships- 以前的关系

Are you (the sponsor) currently married to anyone other than the person you are sponsoring?  -  ▢ No       ▢ Yes

If you answered yes, but you are legally separated, provide proof of separation (i.e. income tax forms, legal documents).


Have you (the sponsor) previously been sponsored yourself for permanent residence? -  ▢ No       ▢ Yes

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If you answered yes, please provide the full name and date of birth of your sponsor here: 如果你回答yes,请在此提供你的担保人的全名和出生日期:

Name:     Date of Birth (YYYY-MM-DD)                

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Have you (the sponsor) ever been previously married? -  ▢ No       ▢ Yes

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If yes, how many times have you previously been married?    



If you answered yes, provide a photocopy of the appropriate following document(s) for each of your previous marriage(s):


  • ▢ If you divorced, provide your final divorce certificate.- 如果你离异,请提供最终离婚证明。
  • ▢ If the marriage was annulled, provide your final annulment certificate. - 如果婚姻被废止,提供最终被废止的证明
  •  If your former spouse is deceased, provide a death certificate for him/her.- 如果你的前任配偶已过世,请提供其死亡证明。


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Have you (the sponsor) ever previously been in a common-law relationship? -  ▢ No       ▢ Yes

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You may be asked to provide additional information about previous common-law relationship(s) at a later time.



▢  5. Employment/Source of Income - Do not complete this section if you are a Quebec resident.
- 就业/配偶收入:如果你是魁北克居民,不需要填写此部分

You need to show that you can support the person(s) you are sponsoring. Provide documents from one of the following options:

  • ▢ If you are working in Canada, provide an original letter from your current employer stating your period of employment, salary, and regular hours per week AND one of these documents issued by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA):- 如果你在加拿大工作,请提供当前雇主的原始信函,信函上说明你的就业时间段、工资和每周的正常工作时间以及加拿大税务局发布的这些文件之一:
    • Your most recent Notice of Assessment. This must include line 150 (Total Income), or- 你最近的税单。必须包括第150行(总收入),或
    • Proof of income statement (Option C).- 收益表(选项C)

      Note: You can view (and print) your tax return(s) as well as other personal tax information using the CRA's My Account online service.- 注意:你可以使用加拿大税务局的“我的帐户”在线服务查看(和打印)自己的纳税申报表以及其他个人税务信息。
      To register or login, visit https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/e-services/e-services-individuals/accountindividuals.html可以到此页面注册或登录:https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/e-services/e-services-individuals/accountindividuals.html

      If you cannot provide a Notice of Assessment or a proof of income statement (Option C) for the most recent taxation year, you must provide an explanation on a separate sheet of paper, accompanied by relevant supporting financial documentation to show how you can support the person(s) you are sponsoring. - 如果你不能提供最近纳税年度的税单或收益证明(选项C),则必须在单独页面提供信息和支持此解释的相关财务文件,以证明你可以负担被担保人的生活。

  • ▢ If you are not working in Canada, provide other documentation showing that you can support the person(s) you are sponsoring. This must include a detailed explanation of how you plan to support yourself and the sponsored person(s) on a separate piece of paper. - 如果你不在加拿大工作,请提供其他文件,以证明你可以负担被担保人的生活。这些文件包括如何支持你自己和被担保人生活的具体计划,需要不同的纸上分开书写



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You (the principal applicant) must provide the following (photocopies only) for yourself and your family members:

  • ▢ Most recently issued passport or travel document for you and all family members (who will accompany you to Canada)- 你和家庭成员(将与你一同到加拿大)的最近签发的护照或旅行文件
    • Include only copies of pages showing the passport or travel document number, date of issue and expiration, photo, name, surname, date and place of birth of holder.- 仅包括护照或旅行文件的副本,页面显示文件编号、签发日期以及过期日期、持有人的照片、姓名、出生日期和出生地
    • If you are in Canada and/or have previously travelled to Canada, you must also include pages of any passport in your possession which bear an entry stamp made by a Canadian authority.- 如果你在加拿大境内 并且/或 以前到加拿大旅行,页必须提供拥有的任何护照的相关页面,这些护照页面上有加拿大当局盖的入境章
    • If you reside in a country different from your nationality, include a copy of your visa or residency permit for the country in which you currently reside (e.g. United States Alien Registration card or “Green Card”) - 如果你在非国籍国的国家居住,应提供你当前所居住国家的签证或居留许可副本(例如,美国的外国人登记卡或“绿卡”)
    • Please note that diplomatic, official or public affairs passports are not acceptable for an application for permanent residence in Canada.- 请注意,外交官方或公务护照不可用来在加拿大申请永久居留

      Note: Although you do not need to have a valid passport or travel document when you submit your application, you must have a valid travel document or passport to be able to travel to Canada and to be admitted for permanent residence. A list of acceptable documents is found in subsection 50(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/sor-2002-227/page-10.html#h-25). You will need to demonstrate that you hold an acceptable travel document or passport before we can finalize your application. - 注意:尽管你在提交申请时不必持有有效的护照或旅行文件,但是,要在加拿大永久居留,你必须持有有效的旅行文件或护照才能到加拿大旅行并入境。可接受的文件列表可参考《移民和难民保护条例》第50(1)所述( (https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/sor-2002-227/page-10.html#h-25).)。在官方完结你的申请之前,你也将需要证明自己持有可接受的旅行文件或护照。

  • ▢ If you (the principal applicant) are living in Canada, provide proof of your status in Canada (e.g. copy of temporary resident visa, study permit or work permit, temporary resident permit, including out of status documentation). If you do not have status in Canada, please provide an explanation on a separate piece of paper, as well a copy of any paperwork you have that is relevant to your status - 如果你(主申请人)在加拿大居住,请提供你在加拿大的身份证明文件(例如,临时居民签证、学习许可或工作许可、临时居民许可的副本,包括过期的身份文件副本)。如果你在加拿大没有身份,请用单独页面提供解释,也许提供你所拥有与你身份相关的任何文书的副本
  • ▢ Birth certificates or baptismal certificates for yourself (and all your dependents, if applicable – whether they are accompanying you to Canada or not). - 你自己(以及所有你的受抚养子女,如果适用 - 无论其是否与你一同到加拿大)的出生证明或洗礼证书
  • ▢ If listed in the country specific requirements for your country (or countries) of citizenship or residence: - 如果针对你的公民身份或居住国家有特定要求:
    • ▢ Copies of national identity cards (for yourself and all family members)- 国籍身份卡副本(你自己的和所有家庭成员的)
    • ▢ A copy of your family booklet- 家庭手册(户口本)副本
    • ▢ Neither of the above applies to me - 以上都不适用于我
  • Reminder: You must check the country specific requirements (https://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/spouse.asp#country) to confirm if there are special instructions for your documents. - 注意:你必须查看相关国家的要求(https://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/spouse.asp#country),以确认自己的文件是否有特殊说明。




Please submit photocopies (unless originals are required by the country specific requirements) of the documents pertaining to your specific situation(s) below. Check only the boxes that apply to you and provide the documents specified
请提交与你的具体情况有关的文件的复印件(除非对一些国家特定要求原件)。 只勾选适用于你的选项并提供相应文件

  • Current Relationship- 当前关系
  •  If you (the principal applicant) are legally married to your sponsor, provide your marriage certificate or other proof that your marriage is legally registered with governmental authorities in the jurisdiction where it took place. A record of solemnization or marriage license is not acceptable. -  如果你(主申请人)与被担保人合法结婚,请提供结婚证书或其他证明文件,以证明该婚姻在其所在地区的政府机关合法注册。 不接受宣誓记录或结婚证书记录。
  • ▢ If you (the principal applicant) have been issued a civil union certificate/document, provide a copy. - 如果你(主申请人)获得签发民事结合证书/文件,请提供副本

    Previous Relationships- 以前的(婚姻)关系

  • ▢ If you (the principal applicant) have been previously married and are divorced, you must provide a final divorce certificate/registration for each relationship. If you are still married to someone other than your sponsor, provide proof of legal separation (i.e. income tax forms, legal documents). - 如果你(主申请人)以前结过婚并且已经离婚,必须为每段婚姻关系提供最终离婚证明/登记。 如果你仍与被担保人以外的其他人处于结婚状态,请提供合法分居证明(即所得税表,法律文件)。
  • ▢ If you (the principal applicant) have been previously married and that marriage was annulled, provide a copy of the annulment. - 如果你(主要申请人)之前结婚且该婚姻已被废止,请提供一份废止文件的副本。
  • ▢ If you (the principal applicant) were previously married or in a common-law relationship, and your former spouse or common-law partner is deceased, you must provide your former spouse or partner's death certificate. - 如果你(主要申请人)已婚 或 处于同居关系,并且你的前配偶或同居伴侣已去世,必须提供前配偶或伴侣的死亡证明。
  • ▢ If you (the principal applicant) were previously sponsored by another person (regardless of the outcome of the sponsorship application), provide an explanation on a separate piece of paper, including the name and date of birth of your previous sponsor(s). - 如果你(主申请人)之前由其他人担保(无论担保申请的结果如何),请在另一张纸上提供解释,包括你以前的担保人的姓名和出生日期。
  • ▢ None of the above apply to me- 上述情况都不适用于我

    Reminder: You must check the country specific requirements (https://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/spouse.asp#country) to confirm if there are special instructions for your civil documents. - 注意:你必须检查特定国家/地区的具体要求(https://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/spouse.asp#country),以确认婚姻文件是否有特殊说明。

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