
词汇定义:approved in principle 或 Approval in principle (AIP)

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IRCC 网站对 “Approved in principle 或 Approval in principle (AIP)”(原则上批准)一词的解释如下:

Your application is “approved in principle (AIP)” if:

  • you have received a letter from IRCC stating that you meet the permanent residence eligibility requirements, but
  • you still have to pass the medical, security and background checks for you and, if needed, your family members.




  • 你已经从IRC收到信函,声明你满足永久居留资格要求,但是
  • 你还必须通过体检、安全和背景审查,以及,如果需要,你的家庭成员的体检、安全和背景审查。


IRCC 网站给出这些词汇定义的目的是帮助大家理解,这些定义并不是也不能作为法律方面的定义。更多信息可参考:词汇解释

时光在路上 最后编辑于:2020年10月10日

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