
纳税人损失17亿 BC医疗服务等候15周

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据菲沙研究所(Fraser Institute)发表的报告(PDF版)显示,轮候手术及治疗引致加国国民去年损失 17 亿元,平均每个病人 1759 元,其中 卑诗省人均损失 2300 元,轮候病人则有差不多 20 万人,均为全国次高。

这份名为《The Private Cost of Public Queues for Medically Necessary Care》的报告又指,去年全国医疗服务轮候时间中位数为 10.6 周,在 BC 则需 14.5 周,为各省份中第三长。

上述报告分析了 2016 年加国国民在 12 类专科中,由医生诊断至病人获得手术等治疗过程所需的时间,以及涉及的成本或损失。范围包括一般手术、整形外科,以及神经外科手术等。



整形外科手术 轮候逾 39 周最长

在 卑诗省,轮候整形外科手术时间最长,中位数达 39.3 周。眼科手术需等候 21.3 周,耳鼻喉科 19.6 周,神经外科手术 12.4 周,妇科11.7 周,而放射肿瘤治疗则需要轮候 10.3 周。

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至于在 卑诗省轮候时间最快是紧急类别的心血管科手术,仅需要等候 2.3 周。

该份报告更显示,2016 年,全国有 973505 个病人须要轮候接受专科医疗服务。

菲沙研究所医疗护理研究部高级经济学家巴鲁雅(Bacchus Barua)强调,过长轮候时间仍是全国医疗系统的严重问题,不单增加病人承受的身体和精神痛苦,更导致工作收入等成本损失。他促请政府,改革本国不合时宜的医疗政策。

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The estimated cost of waiting for care in Canada for patients who were in the queue in 2011, was $1.08 billion? an average of about $1,144 for each of the estimated 941,321 Canadians waiting for treatment in 2011. Alternatively, that cost works out to roughly $10,399 for each individual among the 11.0% of patients in the queue who were suffering considerable hardship while waiting for care.

The measurement of health care waiting times, or the examination of the absolute delay Canadians must endure in order to receive medically necessary care, is only one way of looking at the burden of waiting for health care. We can also calculate the privately borne cost of waiting: the value of the time that is lost while waiting for treatment. One way of estimating the privately borne cost of waiting for care in Canada was originally developed by Steven Globerman and Lorna Hoye (1990). They calculated the cost of waiting by estimating the amount of time that could not be used productively by a patient while waiting for treatment.

The estimated cost of waiting for care in Canada for patients who were in the queue in 2011, according to calculations based on the methodology produced by Globerman and Hoye, was $1.08 billion?an average of about $1,144 for each of the estimated 941,321 Canadians waiting for treatment in 2011. Alternatively, that cost works out to roughly $10,399 for each individual among the 11.0% of patients in the queue who were suffering considerable hardship while waiting for care.

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