


All Canadian citizens aged 18 or over may run in an election unless they are convicted of a crime under the Canada Elections Act or detained in a penitentiary. Some public office holders are also ineligible (senators, members of provincial or territorial legislatures, the chief and assistant chief electoral officers, returning officers and some judges).

所有年满 18 岁的加拿大公民都可以成为候选人,除了被判违反选举法的人,在押犯人和担任某些公职的人。这些公职包括法官,参议员,省或地区的议员和选举工作负责人。


Candidates may represent a party or run as independents or without any designation.



To run, candidates must appoint an official agent who will incur election expenses. They must also pay a $1,000 deposit, which will be reimbursed once their official agent submits a return of election expenses and unused official receipts.

候选人必须任命一名经费管理人员来负责竞选经费支出,必须交纳 1000 加元的保证金。在选举结束、他的经费管理人上交选举费用帐目和空白收据后,他可以收回这笔款项。

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MPs are elected for a five-year term. However, when the government has a majority of seats in the Commons, the prime minister traditionally calls a general election in the fourth year of his term of office.



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