




In Ottawa on April 17, 1982, Queen Elizabeth II signed the Canada Act, 1982 into law, thereby ending the British Parliament’s power to amend the Canadian Constitution. This proclamation meant that Canada had become master of its own destiny on constitutional matters. Canada had, in a word, “patriated” its Constitution. One key feature of the Act was that it entrenched the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in the Constitution.

1982 年 4 月 17 日,英国女王伊丽莎白二世在加拿大首都渥太华正式颁布了加拿大宪法法案,结束了英国议会修改加拿大宪法的时代。这意味着加拿大在宪法层面上终于成为自己命运的主人。1982 年宪法法案最重要的特点,是把《加拿大权利与自由宪章》纳入了加拿大宪法。


With the Charter, the basic principles that Canadians’ rights and freedoms were built on (mainly, freedom and democracy) acquired constitutional status. Because it is entrenched in the Constitution, the Charter stands above all other laws.



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A Long Process 漫长的变迁

In a collection of essays published in 1996 as The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Brian Dickson, a former chief justice of the Supreme Court, points out that entrenching the Charter in the Constitution was the result of a long process. The saga began in 1867 when the British North America Act was passed. The process gathered speed after the Second World War once the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted in 1948 and various international treaties were signed.

在他 1996 年出版的文集《加拿大权利与自由宪章》中,加拿大最高法院前首席大法官迪克森回顾说,《加拿大权利与自由宪章》被纳入加拿大宪法是一场漫长的社会变迁的结果。这场变迁始于 1867 年的《英属北美法案》,二战后随着 1948 年《人权宣言》及其他国际公约的产生而逐渐加快。


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In Canada, John Diefenbaker’s government enacted the Canadian Bill of Rights in 1960, and it is still in force today. In 1970, the Supreme Court, in a famous ruling (Drybones), used the Bill of Rights to strike down certain provisions of the Indian Act deemed discriminatory. The ruling was remarkable in that, for one of the first times, the Court repealed legal provisions on the basis of another law, a practice that has become common since the Charter was passed. Before the Drybones decision, the courts struck down laws only when the sharing of jurisdictions between Ottawa and the provinces hadn’t been respected.

在加拿大国内,迪芬巴克政府在 1960 年通过了《加拿大人权宣言》。它至今仍然有效。1970 年,加拿大最高法院在著名的德莱邦斯案判决中,依据人权宣言裁定《印第安人法》中的某些条款是歧视性的,因而无效。这项判决非同一般,因为这是加拿大最高法院第一次以一项法律为依据裁决另一项法律的条款无效。在《加拿大权利与自由宪章》被纳入宪法后,这成为惯常做法。在德莱邦斯案判决之前,法庭只有在联邦和省两级政府之间的权限划分没有被遵守时才会宣布某项法律无效。




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Furthermore, when the Canadian Charter came into force, a total of eight provinces had already passed laws protecting political rights and fundamental freedoms. The first was Saskatchewan back in 1943. Later, the others followed suit: Ontario in 1962, Nova Scotia in 1963, Alberta in 1966, New Brunswick in 1967, Prince Edward Island in 1968, Newfoundland in 1969, British Columbia in 1969, Manitoba in 1970 and Quebec in 1975.

另外,在《加拿大权利与自由宪章》生效时,有八个省已经通过了保护公民基本自由和政治权利的法律,萨斯喀彻温省是第一个(1943 年),接下来按时间顺序是:安大略省(1962 年),新斯科舍省(1963 年),阿尔伯塔省(1966 年),新不伦瑞克省(1967 年),爱德华王子岛省(1968 年),纽芬兰省(1969 年),卑诗省(1969 年),曼尼托巴省(1970 年),魁北克省(1975 年)。

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Impact of The Charpter《加拿大权利与自由宪章》的影响

Section 52 of the Constitution Act states that any law that is inconsistent with the Charter is of no force or effect. Section 24 holds that anyone whose rights under the Charter have been denied may apply to the courts to obtain remedy. In the past 20 years, these provisions have led to an enormous number of court appeals in the enforcement of the Charter. In his essay, Brian Dickson reported that from 1984 to 1995, the Supreme Court alone handed down some 225 rulings in cases involving the Charter. Today, this number tops 425.

根据加拿大宪法法案第 52 条,任何联邦法或省法,如果和《加拿大权利与自由宪章》不符,即为无效。法案第 24 条规定,任何人如果感到宪章赋予自己的权利受到侵犯,都可以诉诸法庭。二十年来,法庭受理了大量根据宪章提出的诉讼。前首席大法官迪克森在他的文集中说,从 1984 年到 1995 年,最高法院受理过 225 起跟宪章有关的案子。今天这个数字已经超过 425。



In the book The Charter: Ten Years After published in 1992, another Supreme Court judge, Bertha Wilson, writes that once the Charter was adopted, judges were obliged to examine their role under this legislation. They concluded they had a duty to ensure that federal and provincial governments legislated in keeping with the Constitution and with the Charter enshrined in it. Logically, judges could now rule that a certain provision was unconstitutional under the Charter, something they ended up doing time and again.



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The adoption of the Charter drew and still draws considerable criticism. Some say that the Charter overly judicializes relations between Canadians, gives judges too much power or even marks the triumph of individual rights over collective rights.



A witness to and sometimes a key player in the long constitutional debate, Senator Gérald-A. Beaudoin says that the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms has had a major, profound and irreversible impact on Canadians. The impact is major because of the constitutionalization of rights and freedoms, which are now protected from legislative changes just as ordinary laws are. It is profound because a great many rights and freedoms have been constitutionalized (fundamental freedoms, right to vote, legal guarantees, equality rights, language rights). And it is irreversible because Canadians now reflect more on their rights and freedoms than ever before and assert and defend them vigorously, as shown by the letters sent to the Senate by Canadians worried about the scope of certain bills. “No government would ever dare repeal the Charter and turn back the clock,” Senator Beaudoin says.

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When the Charter came into force, it also changed considerably how legal practitioners worked. They had to start looking beyond legislation at the possible impact that actions had on basic human rights. Francis Gervais, a past president of the Quebec Bar, says that lawyers must now reflect further on the implications of their acts because certain legal recourse, however valid, could be rejected for failure to comply with fundamental rights. “This has changed the job of lawyers and made it a little harder,” Mr. Gervais says. “We now have to examine issues differently. It’s a new way of thinking, but it has become second nature to us.”



Caveat 限制

Brian Dickson explains, however, that the effect of the Charter wasn’t unlimited and its scope can be confined. He cites section 1 of the Charter, which allows limits placed on the exercise of certain rights and freedoms, provided that these limits are “reasonable” and “can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.” He also cites section 33, which enables a government to derogate from implementing the provisions of the Charter by invoking the so-called notwithstanding clause.

然而迪克森大法官提醒说,《加拿大权利与自由宪章》并不是法力无边的。例如,宪章第一条允许对某些权利的行使加以限制,只要这些限制是“合理的并符合一个自由民主社会的价值观”。他举的另一个例子是宪章第 33 条,此条款允许政府以“无碍条款”为依据违反宪章规定。


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