

IMM5669E担保意向表永久居留确认文件公民身份证书医疗永久居民卡IMM5768IMM0008DEPsuper visainadmissibilityIMM1344体检family sponsorshipFAQ收养移民体检访问处理时间边境服务官永久居民禁止入境confirmation numberIMM5771资格家庭规模

你必须提交此表格,让 IRCC 知道你有担保自己父母和祖父母的意向。

  • 此表格将于东部时间2020年10月13日中午至东部时间2020年11月3日中午提供。
    • 尽快提交此表格不会增加你被邀请的机会。
  • 请不要多次提交此表单。
    • 这不会增加你被邀请申请的机会。
    • IRCC 将删除所有重复提交,只保留你最后一次提交的内容。
  • 确保你提供的信息是正确的,并在提交前仔细检查所有部分。
  • 提交此表格并不保证你会被邀请申请。



截止日期后,IRCC 将随机选择潜在的担保人,邀请他们申请担保自己的父母和祖父母。如果 IRCC 邀请你申请,你需要满足所有资格条件。例如,你需要达到最低收入要求,居住在加拿大,并且年满18岁。可在此了解更多关于税有资格的信息



如果你因精神或身体残疾而无法提交在线意向表格,IRCC 可以提供其他方式的表格(纸质副本、盲文或大号印刷体)。如果你需要以上所列格式的表格,请在2020年11月3日之前告知 IRCC


  • 你需要的其他格式
  • 你的全名
  • 如果你想通过电子邮件或邮寄方式将表格发送给你
    • 如果你想用电子邮件,请将你的电子邮件地址告知 IRCC
    • 如果你想使用邮寄,只需告诉 IRCC 你的邮寄地址
  • 电话号码
  • 使用该种方式的原因

请通过电子邮件发送你的请求,或拨打 1-888-242-2100 联系 IRCC 的客户服务中心(仅限加拿大境内)。

注意:如果提供你的电子邮件地址,这将授权 IRCC 将所有通信,包括文件和个人信息,发送到该电子邮件地址。

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1. Are you a Canadian citizen, a Registered Indian or a permanent resident of Canada? (required)


  • Yes
  • No


Family name(s) (also known as last name, surname)(required) / 姓氏必填


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Given name(s) (also known as first name and middle name) (required) / 名字必填

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□ By checking this box, I confirm that I don't have a given name (first name). / 勾选此处,确认没有名字

Date of birth (required)/ 出生日期必填

□ 通过勾选此框,我确认我不知道我生日的月份和/或日期。

Country or territory where you (the potential sponsor) were born  (required) / 潜在担保人出生国家/地区(必填)


Your primary residential address (as the potential sponsor) - 你的主要居住地址(作为潜在担保人)

Provide your complete address. To be a sponsor, you must live in Canada when you apply. If you're invited to apply, you need to include proof of this with your application.


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Country or territory (required) /国家或地区(必填)

Apartment or unit number / 公寓或单元号

Street number (required) / 街道号(必填)

Write NA if your address doesn't have a street number. / 如果你的地址没有街道号码,请写NA。

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Street name (required) / 街道名字(必填)

Include street type. For example: John St, John Ave, John Blvd, John Pl. Write NA if your address doesn't have a street name. / 包括街道类型。例如:John St,John Ave,John Blvd,John Pl。如果你的地址没有街道名称,请写“NA”。

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Street name line 2 (if applicable) / 第二行,街道名称(如适用)

City (required) / 城市(必填)

Province or territory (required) / 省或地区(必填)

Postal code (required) / 邮编(必填)

Example: A1A 1A1 / 例如:A1A 1A1


Mailing address / 邮寄地址

Email address (required) / 电邮地址(必填)

Confirm your email address (required) / 确认你的电邮地址(必填)

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Upload a copy of your status in Canada document / 上传你的加拿大身份文件副本

Which document are you submitting? (required) / 提交那种文件?(必填)

We'll accept your status in Canada document even if it's expired. This document helps us match your interest to sponsor form with your application. - 即使你的加拿大身份文件过期,IRCC 也会接受。此文件有助于 IRCC 将你的担保意向表与你的申请相匹配。

If you have one of the status documents below, you should choose that one to upload, as you need to include it in your application if you're invited to apply. - 如果你有下面的某一身份文件,应该上传,因为如果你被邀请申请的话,你需要把它包括在你的申请中。

Choose the same status document you'll submit with your application. - 选择与你的申请一起提交的身份文件。


Status in Canada document number (required) / 加拿大身份文件编号(必填)

Enter the document number exactly as it appears on your status in Canada document. Don't include the spaces. - 输入与你在加拿大的身份文件中显示的完全相同的文件编号。不要包括空格。

See which documents we accept and where to find the document number. - 可在此查看 IRCC 接受哪些文件以及在哪里可以找到文件编号


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Confirm document number (required) / 确认文件编号(必填)

Re-enter your status in Canada document number. - 再次输入身份文件编号


Upload file (required) / 上传文件(必填)

The maximum file size is 2.0 MB. If your file is bigger than 2.0 MB, you need to reduce the size of your file to uploadopens in new window. - 最大文件大小为2.0 MB。如果文件大于2.0 MB,则需要减小文件的大小

We accept these file formats: - IRCC 接受以下文件格式:

  • PDF
  • JPG、TIFF或PNG(图像)
  • DOC或DOCX(Microsoft Word文档)

Click Browse to select your file. - 单击“浏览”选择文件。

Check the file name and make sure you selected the right file. - 检查文件名并确保选择了正确的文件。


Estimated income needed for your family size / 根据家庭规模估算收入

If we invite you to apply, you and your co-signer (if you have one), will need to prove that you meet the minimum necessary income for the 3 tax years before the date you apply, taking into account your family at the relevant years. You'll need to be financially responsible for the length of the undertaking (20 years). The financial requirements and length of undertaking for residents of Quebec are different.

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如果 IRCC 邀请你申请,计算你在相关年份的家庭规模,你和你的共同担保人(如果你有)需要证明你在申请日前3个纳税年度达到了最低必要收入要求。你需要在经济上对承诺的期限(20年)负责。魁北克居民的财务要求承诺期限与其他省/地区是不同的。

We can only confirm you meet the minimum income requirements when we assess your application. - IRCC 只能在评估你的申请时确认你符合最低收入要求。


Your parents' and grandparents' information - 关于你父母和祖父母的信息

Provide the names and dates of birth for each of the parents and grandparents you wish to sponsor. You won't need to provide the information of their non-accompanying spouse/partner or dependent children. - 请提供你希望担保的每一位父母和祖父母的姓名和出生日期。你不需要提供其非随行配偶/伴侣或受抚养子女的信息。

You can't sponsor your in-laws. You can only sponsor your own parents and grandparents. - 你不能担保你的姻亲。你只能担保你自己的父母和祖父母。

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If you want to co-sign your in-law's application, your spouse or partner must be the one who's invited to apply as a sponsor. - 如果你想共同担保你姻亲的申请,你的配偶或伴侣必须是作为担保人被邀请申请。

Even if you're invited to apply, you can't: - 即使你被邀请,也不能:

  • use your invitation to sponsor your in-laws - 使用你的邀请来担保你的姻亲
  • use your invitation to be the co-signer on your in-law's application - 使用你的邀请成为你姻亲申请的共同担保人
  • transfer your invitation to your spouse or partner for them to sponsor their parent or grandparent - 把你的邀请转给你的配偶或伴侣,让他们担保他们的父母或祖父母


About your parent or grandparent (1) - 关于你的父母或祖父母(1)

Family name(s) (also known as last name, surname) (required) / 姓氏(必填)

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Given name(s) (also known as first name and middle name) (required) / 名字(必填)

□ By checking this box, I confirm that this person doesn't have a given name (first name). - 通过勾选此框,我确认此人没有名字(名字)。

Date of birth (required) / 出生日期(必填)

□ By checking this box, I confirm that I don't know the month and/or day of this person's birthday. - 通过勾选此框,我确认我不知道我生日的月份和/或日期


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Privacy notice - 隐私声明

Personal information provided to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is collected under the authority of sections 12(1) and 13(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and pursuant to the Ministerial Instructions issued under section 87.3 of the Act. The information will be used to ensure that each individual applying to be a sponsor is considered as part of the intake process. If you subsequently submit an application, the information on this form will also be used to validate whether you were invited to apply. The information may also be used to validate that you expressed interest in applying this year, in the event that this is relevant to the intake process that is established in a future year. Personal information collected may also be used for research, statistics, program and policy evaluation, internal audit, compliance, risk management, strategy development and reporting. Some information, including the information you provide in response to the question about whether you are a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident in Canada, or a Status Indian is collected in order to promote efficiency in the management of the program by encouraging awareness of program requirements.

根据《移民和难民保护法》第12(1)和第13(1)部分的授权,以及IRPA第83.7节中的部长指引(Ministerial Instructions),收集提供给加拿大移民、难民和公民部(IRCC)的个人信息。这些信息将用于确保每个申请成为担保人的个人都被视为接收过程的一部分。如果你之后提交申请,此表格上的信息也将用于验证你是否被邀请申请。如果这与将来一年确立的接收流程有关,这些信息还可以用来验证你是否有意向在今年申请。收集的个人信息也可用于研究、统计、项目和政策评估、内部审计、合规、风险管理、战略制定和报告。一些信息,包括你在回答有关是否是加拿大公民、加拿大永久居民还是印第安人的问题时提供的信息,收集的目的是为了通过鼓励对项目要求的认识来提高项目管理的效率。

Failure to complete the form in full will result in your expression of interest to sponsor your parents or grandparents not being included in the intake process. The Privacy Act gives individuals the right of access to, protection, and correction of their personal information. Further details are available in Info Source. If you are not satisfied with the manner in which IRCC handles your personal information, you may exercise your right to file a complaint to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. The collection, use, disclosure and retention of your personal information is further described in IRCC’s Personal Information Bank – IRCC PPU 013.

未能完整填写表格将导致你担保父母或祖父母的一想表达不包括在接收过程中。《隐私法》赋予个人访问、保护和更正个人信息的权利。更多详细信息,请访问 Info Source。如果你对 IRCC 处理你个人信息的方式不满意,可以行使你的权利,向加拿大隐私专员办公室提出投诉。关于你个人信息的收集、使用、披露和保留,请参阅 IRCC 的个人信息库–IRCC PPU 013。

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Disclaimer on the use of internet and email communications - 关于使用互联网和电子邮件通信的免责声明

This web form is being used to submit basic personal information to indicate to IRCC your interest to apply to sponsor in the Parents and Grandparents Program. Your email address will also be used to communicate with you about the process. IRCC may use your email address to communicate with you in a subsequent year about your interest to sponsor, in accordance with the Ministerial Instructions. Use of email to transmit personal information carries risk of access by third parties using various means. IRCC will send only very limited personal information to you via email in this process.

此网页表单是用来提交个人基本资料,以表明你有兴趣申请担保自己的父母和祖父母。你的电子邮件地址也将用于与你沟通。根据部长指引,IRCC 可在下一年使用你的电子邮件地址与你沟通你的担保意向。使用电子邮件传输个人信息会有第三方使用各种手段获取个人信息的风险。在这个过程中,IRCC 只会通过电子邮件向你发送非常有限的个人信息。

By signing below, you acknowledge that you understand and accept that IRCC is not responsible for any losses or damages suffered due to: third party access to your email; for any misuse of your personal information by a third party; or restrictions, delay, malfunction, or unavailability of email or this web form.

通过在下面签名,你承认你了解并接受 IRCC 不对以下原因造成的任何损失或损害负责:第三方访问你的电子邮件;第三方滥用你的个人信息;或电子邮件或本网页表单的限制、延迟、故障或不可用。

Clients should be careful to protect their personal identification information, including their date of birth and any confirmation number that may be issued to you by IRCC. As these personal identifiers may allow individuals to receive information about their files from IRCC via email, clients should not share this information with anyone, other than your formally authorized representative.

客户应小心保护其个人身份信息,包括其出生日期和 IRCC 可能向你提供的任何确认编号。由于这些个人标识可能允许个人通过电子邮件从 IRCC 接收有关其文件的信息,客户不应与任何人共享此信息,除非你的正式授权给代理人。



Declaration of potential sponsor - 潜在担保人声明

I declare that: - 我声明:

  • I am submitting only 1 interest to sponsor form this year to express my interest in sponsoring my parents and/or grandparents. - 我今年只提交了一份担保意向表,以表达我有兴趣担保我的父母和/或祖父母。
  • The information I provided in this form is truthful, complete and accurate. - 我在此表格中提供的信息真实、完整和准确。

By typing my name and clicking Sign and submit: - 通过输入我的姓名,然后单击“签名并提交”:

  • I am electronically signing this form. - 我以电子方式签署此表格。
  • I confirm I have read, understood, and agree to the above notice, disclaimer, and declaration. - 我确认我已阅读、理解并同意上述通知、免责和声明。


Signature (required) / 签名(必填)

Type your name - 输入你的姓名


Review your information and submit your interest to sponsor form - 检查你的信息并提交担保意向表

Double-check all fields and make sure the above information is correct before you submit. You won't be able to change your information after. 



If you're invited to apply and the information on your application doesn't match what you put in this form, we may not accept your application and return it to you.

如果你被邀请申请,而你的申请信息与你在本表格中填写的信息不符,IRCC 可能不会接受你的申请并将其退还给你。

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If you're invited to apply, and your information has changed since you filled this form, let us know when you submit your application.

如果你被邀请申请,并且你填写此表后你的信息发生了变化,请在提交申请时告知 IRCC


Keep your confirmation number - 保留你的确认编号

After you submit this form, you'll see a confirmation page with a confirmation number. Keep this number for your records. You'll need it to look up your invitation status on our website.

提交此表单后,你将看到一个带有确认编号的确认页。把这个号码留作记录。你需要它在 IRCC 网站上查看你的邀请状态。


Sign and submit -签字并提交

时光在路上 最后编辑于:2021年6月7日

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